The Later Life Information Centre, Falkirk provides a friendly place where older people can come for all kinds of advice on everything from tax rebates, health and well being to making a Will. The Falkirk Later Life Information Centre is a joint venture between Solicitors for Older People Scotland (SOPS) and Age Scotland, and is the first of its kind in Scotland.
We invite people to walk in without any prior appointment to access a range of information on later life ranging from legal matters through to healthy eating. Staff there can also signpost callers to sources of specific advice as appropriate. They also have speakers available for group sessions on legal issues for older people.
Age Scotland is the pre-eminent older people’s charity in Scotland which was formed by the merger of Age Concern and Help the Aged back in 2009. The charity aims to Enable, Inform and Support everyone on the aging journey. Solicitors for Older People Scotland is a network of Scottish law firms dedicated to providing legal services to older people in a caring and sensitive way.
For further information please call the centre on 01324 620 882.